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Acts 2:14-24, Evangelize the Gospel with the Holy Spirit

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Acts 2:14-24, Evangelize the Gospel with the Holy Spirit

14.Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say.
15.These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning!
16.No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
17."`In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.
18.Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.
19.I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.
20.The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.
21.And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'
22."Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know.
23.This man was handed over to you by God's set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross.
24.But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.

<Sermon Summary>

  God spoke about the important event of descent of the Holy Spirit last Sunday. The Holy Spirit came fully to all who longed and prayed(4). It sounded like the sound of a rushing wind, and it hovered over each of them like tongues of fire. He comes fully to each person who believes in Jesus. Has He descended on you? People from 15 countries heard Peter's sermon in their own languages(simultaneous interpretation). People who witnessed this incident were confused and in an uproar(6). ‘What is it?’(8) "What does this mean?"(12). Everyone was shocked by an incident that went beyond common sense. However, there was a group of people who mocked them for having too much new wine. 
 What is my reaction? Admire God? mockery?

 Peter speaks of the meaning of the descent event of the Holy Spirit.
1. Fulfillment of God’s prophecy (17-21, Joel 2:28-32).
“28.`And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.
29.Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.
30.I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 31.The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. 32.And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, among the survivors whom the LORD calls.“
 The last days begin at this Pentecost andwill continue until the second coming of Christ.

2. The descent of the Holy Spirit assures us of Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection (23-24).
 Everything has been accomplished. “You crucified this Jesus!” ‘No! ‘Not me!’ v.23, He died for the sins of those without law(Romans) and for our sins.
 #143,♪Why did the Lord die for me? Have you suffered greatly for this worm-like me?♪ Gal. 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
 Jesus obeyed the will of his Father. Mt. 26:39, “Father, your will be done.” God saved Him from the pain of death. He could not be held captive by death. The devil barred the pain of death and the grave. But the Father and Son opened the door after three days. Jesus is the resurrection. Jn.11:25,26, 25.Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; 26.and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
. Live by the blood and resurrection power of Jesus.

3. The descent of the Holy Spirit brings salvation(21-22, Joel 2:32).
  The work of the Holy Spirit in establishing the church will lead to salvation until the second coming of Christ. At that time, it came to all women, rich and poor, who called on(believing in Jesus’ cross and resurrection, covenant relation) the name of the Lord(Paul, the woman Lydia, a Roman centurion, a Philippian jailer, and a prisoner all believed in the Lord and were saved. This is because of Jesus Christ, who performed great power, wonders, and signs(22). Why did you receive the Holy Spirit? To spread the salvation of Christ. Jesus lived a life of power. He performed many miracles. He healed countless sick people. He cast out unclean spirits. He calms the waves of the sea of life. He performed the miracle of five loaves and two fish. He saves and saves dying and dead souls. He proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom and performed miracles, wonders, and signs. This Jesus wakes us up at dawn and allows us to live as light. Ephe. 5:14, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

 Dear saints, we who believe in Jesus are not bound by death, pain, the devil, disease, or anything else in the world. We go beyond death and experience resurrection/eternal life. I pray that you may live and spread the gospel (Jesus Christ) through the descending Holy Spirit. Amen.
