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Ruth 1:6-14, What faith will you live by?

관리자 0 473 2023.06.13 12:04
Ruth 1:6-14, What faith will you live by?

    People live by their own gods. What kind of faith should we believers live by?

1. Legal Faith (Naomi) 
 1) Guilt (20)                2) Punishment (13)
 3) Sense of duty        4) Sense of condemnation (8)  *Ps.103:12; Is.43:25

2. Non-legal Faith (Orpah) 
Self-indulgence 2) She serve god of wealth 3) Loving the world more

3. Evangelical Faith (Ruth)
 *Jesus, the Gospel (Christ, Son of God) 

 1) Grace of forgiveness (1 John 1:9) 2) Joy and comfort (Ps.16:11) 
 3) Honor and glory (Mt.1:5,6, Ruth 4:21,22) 4) Goel (Boaz – Jesus Christ)

*Conclusion : 
 God did not leave Naomi alone at the peak of life's pain and bitter pain, but allowed a seed of hope called Ruth. No matter how severely hardship and despair we are in, God does not give up on us. Let's live as seeds of hope that will bloom beautifully in God's providence of salvation.  Amen!
